1. 尼查,因為高庭裁定他是合法的
2. 贊比里,因為他獲得蘇丹委任
3. 尼查和贊比里,雙大臣制
4. 無政府,也沒有大臣
1. 尼查,因為他不屈不撓
2. 贊比里,因為他自認可以
3. 馬哈迪,因為他話多,時間也多
4. 許月鳳,不然她又再跳槽
1. 她發明了可以噴胡椒霧的資料儲存筆
2. 她像《X戰警》般,隨身有必殺絕技
3. 她每一天都有一套不一樣的說辭
4. 她可以不斷更新記憶
1. 我不會跳糟
2. 我沒有錯,是你們不明白我
3. 你們可以罵我,但不能傷害我
4. 我沒有拿錢
1. 體重至少200公斤,才不會被抬出州議會
2. 學過擒拿術,一般人無法近身
3. 要有金鐘罩的功夫,再大的壓力也挺得住
4. 要有唐僧的修煉,甚麼誘惑都無法侵入
1. 來去匆匆,乾脆改為旅店
2. 搬進搬出,底層要附設搬運公司
3. 民聯和國陣各用一半設施,免得再搬
4. 成為兒童樂園,適合大風吹和捉迷藏遊戲
1. 剩下3年,雙方各執政1年半
2. 設立雙大臣,行政議員各半
3. 霹靂州民聯和國陣合併
4. 同意解散州議會,重新選舉
1. 政治可以很好玩,很好看
2. 政治青蛙的衝擊力不可小覷
3. 追逐權力是政治的最大動力
4. 下次選舉,要你好看
Swine Flu in Illinois
554 of swine flu cases has been reported in Illinois, I am starting to think if the exponential graph is going to happen here. However, I am still impressed with how my school is handling the situation:
"To: Faculty, Staff, Students
From: Robert D. Palinkas, M.D.
Director, McKinley Health Center
Subject: Handshaking at Commencement
Because of ongoing concerns about the possibility of spreading the flu
virus, students receiving degrees and their families should not shake
hands at Commencement if they have symptoms of an upper respiratory
infection such as fever and cough.
McKinley Health Center will provide hand sanitizer on the platform at the
Assembly Hall ceremonies so that graduates can, if they wish, use it
before and/or after receiving their degrees. Members of the official
platform party also are encouraged to use the hand sanitizer provided.
Everyone is encouraged to observe the other guidelines to reduce the risk
of infection, such as covering coughs and sneezes; avoiding touching eyes,
mouth and nose; and washing hands frequently.
Robert D. Palinkas, M.D.
This mailing approved by:
The Office of the Chancellor"
As always, United States is so ahead in handling such cases. Let's pray for world peace and the flu spread to ease soon.
"To: Faculty, Staff, Students
From: Robert D. Palinkas, M.D.
Director, McKinley Health Center
Subject: Handshaking at Commencement
Because of ongoing concerns about the possibility of spreading the flu
virus, students receiving degrees and their families should not shake
hands at Commencement if they have symptoms of an upper respiratory
infection such as fever and cough.
McKinley Health Center will provide hand sanitizer on the platform at the
Assembly Hall ceremonies so that graduates can, if they wish, use it
before and/or after receiving their degrees. Members of the official
platform party also are encouraged to use the hand sanitizer provided.
Everyone is encouraged to observe the other guidelines to reduce the risk
of infection, such as covering coughs and sneezes; avoiding touching eyes,
mouth and nose; and washing hands frequently.
Robert D. Palinkas, M.D.
This mailing approved by:
The Office of the Chancellor"
As always, United States is so ahead in handling such cases. Let's pray for world peace and the flu spread to ease soon.
The singer I start to like: Fan Wei Qi
Her songs are so great, but I never know! :) It's never too late right?
Side note: She was born in Ohio(US) and went to Harvard, however she didn't graduate b/c she was pursuing her career
Side note: She was born in Ohio(US) and went to Harvard, however she didn't graduate b/c she was pursuing her career